Get Planning
Card sorting has long been recognised as a powerful and useful technique for organising ideas, creating flexible plans and stimulating discussions. Cards can often be the catalyst to new thinking and lead to innovative approaches to problem solving.
These cards were developed by experienced trainers and qualified specialists in each category.
We have concentrated on the most common topics that crop up in workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions, and created these stimulating and inexpensive card sets. If there are any other subjects you feel would be useful, please contact us.
Watch the video
Watch a demonstration of how to build a marketing plan using cards.
Organise your ideas
Crystalise your plans quickly and visually
Identify objectives
Bring your targets into sharp focus
Prioritise next actions
Spot the tasks to concentrate upon
quickly build timelines
Plan what needs doing and when
group tasks
Organise key tasks intuitively to maximise resources