It’s the planning – not the plan that matters

It’s the planning – not the plan that matters

‘In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.’ Dwight D Eisenhower This might seem like a strange quote for a planning site, but it makes an important point. Often the planning process is more valuable than the...
Planning your export communications – free guide to download.

Planning your export communications – free guide to download.

A strategy is not a weighty document. It is a single outline of an objective and the means of achieving it. There may be a lot of work behind it – researching, thinking and planning. However, the strategy in itself should be all that hard work filtered down into...
Export decision-making process. Free chart download.

Export decision-making process. Free chart download.

Entering an export market may seem complex and scary, but it is a straightforward process so long as you identify the key decisions to be made and the order you need to make them. We have created a chart to guide you through the process. It outlines the framework and...
The difference between strategy and tactics and why it matters.

The difference between strategy and tactics and why it matters.

There is a lot of confusion about the difference between strategy and tactics, and it is important for anybody involved in business planning to be clear about them. Strategy is about the identification of the overall business objective and the route or plan to get...